Our structural biology and biochemistry research focuses on understanding basic processes involved in cell regulation and disease at a molecular level.

We use biophysical techniques such as X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy, together with computer simulations and modelling techniques, to understand at an atomic level how proteins and peptides interact with themselves and other cellular components such as lipids and sugars to form functional complexes.

We use biochemical and molecular biology approaches to probe differences in protein expression, interactions, or activity associated with different disease states.

We are ranked #29 in the world and #2 in Australia for biology and biochemistry in the 2023 NTU Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities.

Theme leader: Assoc Prof Michael Landsberg



Theme members

Professor David Ascher - Modelling biological data to gain insight into fundamental biological processes

Professor Mikael Boden Bioinformatics (analysis, modelling and integration of biological data)

Dr Cheong Xin Chan Computational and phylogenomic approaches to gene evolution

Professor Gary Schenk - Physical chemistry - Structure, function, mechanism and pharmaceutical potential of metalloenzymes

Professor Katryn Stacey Cellular response to foreign nucleic acids

Professor Nick West Tuberculosis microbiology

Professor Craig Williams Organic Chemistry - Synthesis and isolation of complex natural products, method development, medicinal and physical organic chemistry