Title:  Designing hard-soft interfaces in composite materials for enhanced functionality and performance

Presenter:  Prof. Luke Henderson, The Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University,

Abstract:  Composite structures are, by definition, composed of at least two dissimilar materials. Examples from nature include bone, wood, nacre and modern composite materials such as steel reinforced concrete, glass and/or carbon fibre reinforced polymers. The goal of a composite material is to maximise the desirable traits of each constituent material while suppressing their inferior properties. To this end, the interface between the dissimilar materials is of critical importance to the overall performance of the composite structure. For example, in Carbon Fibre (CF) composites, the surface chemistry of the fibres dictates the ability to transfer load from the weak matrix to the strong fibre. An ‘incompatible’ interface will lead to debonding and catastrophic failure.

This talk will give an overview of our efforts in the manipulation of carbon fibre surface chemistry to improve their functionality and performance. Carbon fibres are widely used in a variety of industries due to their exceptional mechanical properties, such as high strength and stiffness, but their surface chemistry can also play a crucial role in determining their behaviour in specific applications. By modifying the surface chemistry of carbon fibres, we can enhance their wettability, adhesion, and compatibility with other materials, leading to improved performance in composite materials, sensors, and energy storage devices. 

About School research seminars

Seminars cover all aspects of chemistry and molecular biosciences and are delivered by visiting national and international academics. PhD completion seminars are also incorporated into the program.

Seminars are usually held in person and occasionally via zoom. All are welcome to attend.  



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