The 19th Annual Symposium is organised by and for SCMB's research (HDR, PGCW and Honours) students.

Other UQ research students of all levels and staff are welcome to attend the oral and poster presentations, equipment displays, and listen to talks presented by some of SCMB's top researchers in the Steele Building (Building 3).

The day will include two plenary talks from SCMB's Dr Lucia Zacchi and Professor David Ascher.

The symposium was made possible with the help of our generous sponsors:

  • Platinum: UQ Association of Postgraduate Students
  • Gold: John Morris Scientific, Kinesis Australia, Eppendorf, Scientifix, Sarstedt 
  • Silver: New England Biolabs, Microba, Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, BMG Labtech 


About SCMB Research Students Symposium

The SCMB Research Students Symposium gives participants the chance to learn about research that is being undertaken within our School and to meet the experts behind the science.

Open to students of all levels and staff, the symposium features poster presentations, equipment displays, talks from guest speakers and networking opportunities.

The free event is organised by our School’s Research Students Advisory Group and held each November.


Room 206, Steele Building (3)

Other upcoming sessions