Primary research interest

Molecular virology

Additional role

Investigator, Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre

About me

I completed my PhD at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and was appointed to a lectureship in the University of London in 1986. I returned to Australia as Senior Research Fellow at the Sir Albert Sakzewski Virus Research Centre in 1989 and joined the University of Queensland as a Senior Lecturer in 1991. I am the current President of the Australian Society for Microbiology and the President of the Asia Pacific Society for Medical Virology.

    Research focus and collaborations

    My research into viral replication employs molecular and structural biology and protein chemistry. My expertise includes the immunopathology of medically important viral infections including Ebola.  Understanding the process of viral replication is essential for the development of improved diagnostics, vaccines and anti-viral therapeutic control strategies. Current studies are focused on three different viruses; dengue virus, a serious mosquito-borne disease in many tropical countries, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), a major cause of hospitalization of children with respiratory infections and KoRV, a retrovirus of koalas which we have shown is currently invading the koala germline and is linked with high rates of cancer in this iconic species.

    Ongoing projects involve:

    • structural and molecular biology based studies on the dengue and West Nile virus proteins, NS3 (the viral protease) and E (a virus surface protein involved in cell binding and entry) and the RSV protein F (the viral fusion protein) as targets for antiviral drug design
    • sub-unit and DNA based vaccines for the engue viruses and respiratory syncytial virus
    • developing recombinant protein based platforms for improving viral diagnostics
    • elucidation of the spread and impact of KoRV in the Australian koala population
    • the role of selected retroviral proteins in immune-suppression.

    Projects and patents

    Funded projects

    • NHMRC Development Grant 2014-2016 ( B. Hankamer, P. Young, M.A Kendall, M. Oey)
      Dengue virus vaccine production in the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
      Total value of grant: $591,894
    • NHMRC Development Grant 2014-2016 (M.A Kendall, P.R Young, S.R Corrie)
      Micropatch kits for extraction and detection of circulating biomarkers from skin
      Total value of grant: $796,599
    • ARC Linkage Project 2010-2013 (J Meers, P Young)
      Retroviral invasion of the koala genome prevalence, transmission and role in immunosuppressive disease
      Total value of grant: $300,00
    • ARC Linkage Project 2012-2014 (M Cooper, P Young, S Mahler, H Faddy)
      The first integrated multimodal assay for the utrasensitive detection of dengue contamination of blood
      Total value of grant: $490,000
    • NHMRC Project Grant 2012-2014 (P Young, S Kellie)
      Activation of the respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein
      Total value of grant: $562,350
    • NHMRC Project Grant 2012-2014 (D Fairlie, P Young)
      Flavivirus proteases as viable targets for antiinfective drugs
      Total value of grant: $599,685
    • Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Worldwide 2009-2012 (P Young, J Meers)
      Koala disease research program - koala retrovirus (KoRV)
      Total value of grant: $115,000
    • Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre Research Capacity Grant 2011-2012 (P Young, P Sly)
      Viral-bacterial interactions in inducing and exacerbating respiratory diseases in children
      Total value of grant: $180,000
    • Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges Global Explorations 2009-2010 (P Young)
      Altruistic vaccines for mosquito-borne pathogens
      Total value of grant: $100,000


    • WO 02/42326 A1 Enhanced expression of novel synthetic RSV F gene. Mason, Young and Tucker

    Teaching interests

    Molecular virology, viral pathogenesis, immunology, biotechnology and medicine:

    • MICR3002 Virology (Course coordinator)
    • MICR3001 Microbes and Human Health
    • MICR6008 Immunology and Infectious Disease
    • BIOL1020 Genes Cells and Evolution
    • MEDI1000 Foundations of Medical Practice

    Achievements and awards

    • Australian Society for Microbiology “David White Excellence in Teaching Award” for 2008
    • President of the Australian Society for Microbiology
    • President of the Asia Pacific Society for Medical Virology
    • Immediate-Past President Australasian Virology Society
    • Research Excellence Award in 2009 from the Asia Pacific Society for Medical Virology
    • NH&MRC Panel member 2006 and 2008
    • Consultant to WHO on dengue diagnostics
    • Member of UQ Institutional Biosafety Committees
    • Member of the Federal Government O-GTR Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee

    Student supervision

    • PhD: 26 since 1991, 4 graduated in the last 3 years, currently 4 enrolled
    • Honours: 39 since 1991, currently 3 enrolled

    Featured publications