Dr Inka Vanwonterghem
Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences

Journal Articles
Turnlund, Abigail C., O’Brien, Paul A., Rix, Laura, Webster, Nicole, Lurgi, Miguel and Vanwonterghem, Inka (2025). Understanding the role of micro-organisms in the settlement of coral larvae through community ecology. Marine Biology, 172 (3) 43. doi: 10.1007/s00227-025-04607-6
O'Brien, Paul A., Bell, Sara C., Rix, Laura, Turnlund, Abigail C., Kjeldsen, Shannon R., Webster, Nicole S., Negri, Andrew P., Wahab, Muhammad A. Abdul and Vanwonterghem, Inka (2025). Light and dark biofilm adaptation impacts larval settlement in diverse coral species. Environmental Microbiome, 20 (1) 11. doi: 10.1186/s40793-025-00670-0
Thomas, Marie C., Waugh, Gretel, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Webster, Nicole S., Rinke, Christian, Fisher, Rebecca, Luter, Heidi M. and Negri, Andrew P. (2023). Protecting the invisible: establishing guideline values for copper toxicity to marine microbiomes. Science of The Total Environment, 904 166658, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166658
Turnlund, Abigail C., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Botté, Emmanuelle S., Randall, Carly J., Giuliano, Christine, Kam, Lisa, Bell, Sara, O’Brien, Paul, Negri, Andrew P., Webster, Nicole S. and Lurgi, Miguel (2023). Linking differences in microbial network structure with changes in coral larval settlement. ISME Communications, 3 (1) 114, 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s43705-023-00320-x
O'Brien, Paul A., Tan, Shangjin, Frade, Pedro R., Robbins, Steven J., Engelberts, J. Pamela, Bell, Sara C., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Miller, David J., Webster, Nicole S., Zhang, Guojie and Bourne, David G. (2023). Validation of key sponge symbiont pathways using genome‐centric metatranscriptomics. Environmental Microbiology, 25 (12), 1-18. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16509
Evensen, Nicolas R., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Doropoulos, Christopher, Gouezo, Marine, Botté, Emmanuelle S., Webster, Nicole S. and Mumby, Peter J. (2021). Benthic micro- and macro-community succession and coral recruitment under overfishing and nutrient enrichment. Ecology, 102 (12) e03536, 1-16. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3536
Mosquera-Romero, Suanny, Prévoteau, Antonin, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Arends, Jan B. A., Dominguez, Luis, Rousseau, Diederik P. L. and Rabaey, Korneel (2021). Hydrogen peroxide in bioelectrochemical systems negatively affects microbial current generation. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 51 (10), 1463-1478. doi: 10.1007/s10800-021-01586-6
Bandara, H. M.H.N., Wood, D. L.A., Vanwonterghem, I., Hugenholtz, P., Cheung, B. P.K. and Samaranayake, L. P. (2020). Fluconazole resistance in Candida albicans is induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing. Scientific Reports, 10 (1) 7769, 7769. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-64761-3
Allard, Sarah M., Costa, Matthew T., Bulseco, Ashley N., Helfer, Véronique, Wilkins, Laetitia G. E., Hassenrück, Christiane, Zengler, Karsten, Zimmer, Martin, Erazo, Natalia, Mazza Rodrigues, Jorge L., Duke, Norman, Melo, Vânia M. M., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Junca, Howard, Makonde, Huxley M., Jiménez, Diego Javier, Tavares, Tallita C. L., Fusi, Marco, Daffonchio, Daniele, Duarte, Carlos M., Peixoto, Raquel S., Rosado, Alexandre S., Gilbert, Jack A. and Bowman, Jeff (2020). Introducing the mangrove microbiome initiative: Identifying microbial research priorities and approaches to better understand, protect, and rehabilitate mangrove ecosystems. mSystems, 5 (5) e0065820. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00658-20
Vanwonterghem, Inka and Webster, Nicole S. (2020). Coral reef microorganisms in a changing climate. iScience, 23 (4) 100972, 100972. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.100972
Laloo, Andrew E., Wei, Justin, Wang, Dongbo, Narayanasamy, Shaman, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Waite, David, Steen, Jason, Kaysen, Anne, Heintz-Buschart, Anna, Wang, Qilin, Schulz, Benjamin, Nouwens, Amanda, Wilmes, Paul, Hugenholtz, Philip, Yuan, Zhiguo and Bond, Philip L. (2018). Mechanisms of persistence of the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Nitrosomonas to the biocide free nitrous acid. Environmental science & technology, 52 (9), 5386-5397. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b04273
Waite, David W., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Rinke, Christian, Parks, Donovan H., Zhang, Ying, Takai, Ken, Sievert, Stefan M., Simon, Jorg, Campbell, Barbara J., Hanson, Thomas E., Woyke, Tanja, Klotz, Martin G. and Hugenholtz, Philip (2018). Addendum: Comparative genomic analysis of the class Epsilonproteobacteria and proposed reclassification to Epsilonbacteraeota (phyl. nov.) (vol 8, 682, 2017). Frontiers in Microbiology, 9 (APR) 772, 772. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00772
Ji, Mukan, Greening, Chris, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Carere, Carlo R., Bay, Sean K., Steen, Jason A., Montgomery, Kate, Lines, Thomas, Beardall, John, van Dorst, Josie, Snape, Ian, Stott, Matthew B., Hugenholtz, Philip and Ferrari, Belinda C. (2017). Atmospheric trace gases support primary production in Antarctic desert surface soil. Nature, 552 (7685), 400-403. doi: 10.1038/nature25014
Waite, David W., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Rinke, Christian, Parks, Donovan H. , Zhang, Ying, Takai, Ken, Sievert, Stefan M. , Simon, Joerg, Campbell, Barbara J. , Hanson, Thomas E. , Woyke, Tanja, Klotz, Martin G. and Hugenholtz, Philip (2017). Comparative genomic analysis of the class Epsilonproteobacteria and proposed reclassification to Epsilonbacteraeota (phyl. nov.). Frontiers in Microbiology, 8 (APR) 682 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00682.
Dennis, Paul G., Virdis, Bernardino, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Hassan, Alif, Hugenholtz, Phil, Tyson, Gene W. and Rabaey, Korneel (2016). Anode potential influences the structure and function of anodic electrode and electrolyte-associated microbiomes. Scientific Reports, 6 (1) 39114, 39114. doi: 10.1038/srep39114
Vanwonterghem, Inka, Evans, Paul N., Parks, Donovan H., Jensen, Paul D., Woodcroft, Ben J., Hugenholtz, Philip and Tyson, Gene W. (2016). Methylotrophic methanogenesis discovered in the archaeal phylum Verstraetearchaeota. Nature Microbiology, 1 (16170) 16170, 16170. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.170
Vanwonterghem, Inka, Jensen, Paul D., Rabaey, Korneel and Tyson, Gene W. (2016). Genome-centric resolution of microbial diversity, metabolism and interactions in anaerobic digestion. Environmental Microbiology, 18 (9), 3144-3158. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13382
Abdul Rahman, Nurdyana, Parks, Donovan H., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Morrison, Mark, Tyson, Gene W. and Hugenholtz, Philip (2016). A phylogenomic analysis of the bacterial phylum fibrobacteres. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6 (JAN) 1469, 1469.1-1469.15. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01469
Patil, Sunil A., Arends, Jan B. A., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Van Meerbergen, Jarne, Guo, Kun, Tyson, Gene W. and Rabaey, Korneel (2015). Selective enrichment establishes a stable performing community for microbial electrosynthesis of acetate from CO2. Environmental Science and Technology, 49 (14), 8833-8843. doi: 10.1021/es506149d
Vanwonterghem, Inka, Jensen, Paul D., Rabaey, Korneel and Tyson, Gene W. (2015). Temperature and solids retention time control microbial population dynamics and volatile fatty acid production in replicated anaerobic digesters.. Scientific Reports, 5 (1) 8496, 8496. doi: 10.1038/srep08496
Vanwonterghem, Inka, Jensen, Paul D., Ho, Dang P., Batstone Damien J. and Tyson, Gene W. (2014). Linking microbial community structure, interactions and function in anaerobic digesters using new molecular techniques. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 27, 55-64. doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2013.11.004
De Vrieze, Jo, Gildemyn, Sylvia, Arends, Jan B. A., Vanwonterghem, Inka, Verbeken, Kim, Boon, Nico, Verstraete, Willy, Tyson, Gene W., Hennebel, Tom and Rabaey, Korneel (2014). Biomass retention on electrodes rather than electrical current enhances stability in anaerobic digestion. Water Research, 54, 211-221. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.01.044
Vanwonterghem, Inka, Jensen, Paul D., Dennis, Paul G., Hugenholtz, Philip, Rabaey, Korneel and Tyson, Gene W. (2014). Deterministic processes guide long-term synchronised population dynamics in replicate anaerobic digesters. ISME Journal, Advance Online (10), 1-14. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.50
Angly, Florent E., Dennis, Paul G., Skarshewski, Adam, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Hugenholtz, Philip and Tyson, Gene W. (2014). CopyRighter: a rapid tool for improving the accuracy of microbial community profiles through lineage-specific gene copy number correction. Microbiome, 2 (11) 11, 11. doi: 10.1186/2049-2618-2-11
Van Der Ha, David, Vanwonterghem, Inka, Hoefman, Sven, De Vos, Paul and Boon, Nico (2013). Selection of associated heterotrophs by methane-oxidizing bacteria at different copper concentrations. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: journal of microbiology, 103 (3), 527-537. doi: 10.1007/s10482-012-9835-7
Vanwonterghem, Inka, Read, Suzanne, Van der Ha, David, Verstraete, Willy and Boon, Nico (2011). Methanotrophic microbiome. Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences, 76 (2), 33-36.
Vanwonterghem, Inka (2015). Microbial community dynamics, function and interactions in anaerobic digestion. PhD Thesis, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.728