Associate Professor Jack Wang

Primary research interest
Learning analytics in online resource development; virtual laboratory training as part of blended and online coursework; large-scale undergraduate research; assessment and feedback in science communication.
About me
Associate Professor Jack Wang completed a dual degree in Science and Information Technology in 2006 and went on to a PhD at the Institute of Molecular Bioscience, UQ, to study the interface between molecular bioscience and microbiology. Jack has applied his research background towards Microbiology teaching, and his educational research revolves around interactive inquiry-driven learning, as well as measuring the impact of blending online and face-to-face learning activities in large undergraduate courses. His work has been recognized through national teaching awards, and in 2020 he was awarded the Australian Society for Microbiology David White Teaching Excellence award, the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Award for Teaching Excellence (Biological and Health Sciences) and was named the 2020 AAUT Australian University Teacher of the Year.
Research focus and collaborations
Assoc. Professor Wangs laboratory research focuses on understanding key host biological processes exploited by pathogens to infect and colonise mammalian cells. These experimental investigations revolve around direct visualization of biological processes using both fixed and time-lapse fluorescent microscopy as well as computational algorithms to process and analyse the data collected.
He has applied his research background towards an interdisciplinary approach to Microbiology teaching, and his current educational research as a teaching-focused academic in Microbiology revolves around the integration of interactive inquiry-driven learning into large undergraduate courses, as well as the impact of novel education technologies on assessment and feedback. This research aims to address the impact of blending online and face-to-face learning activities in large undergraduate courses, as well as improving the technological and communication competencies that serve as transferable skills for our graduates. One key outcome of this work is the development of an online repository of laboratory skills training videos that can be deployed across different educational contexts. This research is carried out through multiple UQ collaborations and has been funded by the UQ, the Office of Learning and Teaching, and the Australian Council for Deans of Science.
Funded projects
- Wang, J.T.H. – “BioLab Collective – an Australian Laboratory Skills Video Library for the Molecular Biosciences” – Australian Council for Deans of Science Teaching and Learning grant 2021, $20,000
- Wang, J.T.H. – “A laboratory skills video library for the molecular biosciences” – UQ Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Grant 2019, $20,000
- Carah, N., Diaz, A., Lawrie, G., Reyes, V., Slade, C., Smeaton, K., Teixeira Isaias, P., Wang, J., Yates, N., Lewis, P. - “Embedding the development of Digital Literacy skills within undergraduate and postgraduate curricula across multiple disciplines at UQ” – UQ Teaching Innovation Grant 2018 - $136,364
- Wang, J.T.H. - "MICR2000 - students as partners for production of digital resources" - UQ Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning grant 2018 - $5,000
- West, N., Wang, J.T.H. - "Developing and conducting high-throughput antimicrobial compound screening in MICR3003" - UQ Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Grant 2017- $42,000
- Wang, J.T.H. - "vMarks: on-the-go video feedback for assessment in large courses" - UQ Early Career Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant 2015 - $15,000.
- Wang, J.T.H. - "Authentic large-scale assessment of practical laboratory competencies in Microbiology" - UQ Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Grant 2013 - $12,000.
- Wang, J.T.H., Hall, R.A., Schembri, M.A., Fuerst, J.A., Tyson, G.W., Hugenholtz, P. "Scaffolding Undergraduate Research Experiences across Second and Third Level Microbiology courses" - UQ Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Grant 2012 - $40,000.
- Wang, J.T.H., Schembri, M.A., Fuerst, J.A. "Developing Undergraduate Research Experiences in Microbiology" - UQ Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Grant 2011 - $21,250.
- Rowland, S.R., Lawrie, G., Zimbardi, K., Myatt, P., Wang, J.T.H. "Developing and resourcing academics to help students conduct and communicate undergraduate research on a large scale" - Office of Learning and Teaching 2012 - $219,000.
Teaching interests
- BIOL1020 - Genes, Cells, and Evolution
- MEDI7011 - Medical Science 1
- MICR2000 - Microbiology and Immunology (course coordinator)
- MICR3001 - Microbes and Human Health
- MICR3003 - Molecular Microbiology
Achievements and awards
- Australian Awards for University Teaching – Australian University Teacher of the Year (2020)
- Australian Awards for University Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence, Biological and Health Sciences (2020)
- Australian Society for Microbiology David White Teaching Excellence award (2020)
- UQ Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award winner (2019)
- UQ Award for Teaching Excellence (2019)
- Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) - 2018
- Australian Awards for University Teaching - Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning 2015
- UQ Award for Teaching Excellence (Early-Career) 2014
- UQ Microbiology Major Convenor
- The Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM) Vice President of Communications
- Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA) member
- UQ Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award winner 2013
- UQ Medal winner (Biochemistry) 2006
Featured publications
- Le, Branda, Lawrie, Gwendolyn A. and Wang, Jack T. H. (2022).Student self-perception on digital literacy in STEM blended learning environments. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31 (3), 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s10956-022-09956-1
- Wang, Jack T. H., Huston, Wilhelmina M., Johanesen, Priscilla, Lloyd, Megan, and Waller, Karena L. (2018) A laboratory competency examination in microbiology FEMS Microbiology Letters 365 (20) fny224 .
- Wang, Jack T. H., Power, Cheryl J., Kahler, Charlene M., Lyras, Dena, Young, Paul R., Iredell, Jonathanand Robins-Browne, Roy (2018) Communication ambassadors - an Australian social media initiative to develop communication skills in early career scientists. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 19 1: doi:10.1128/jmbe.v19i1.1428
- Pedwell, Rhianna K., Fraser, James A., Wang, Jack T. H., Clegg, Jack K., Chartres, Jy D. and Rowland, Susan L. (2018) The beer and biofuels laboratory: A report on implementing and supporting a large, interdisciplinary, yeast-focused course-based undergraduate research experience. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education , 46 3: 213-222. doi:10.1002/bmb.21111
- Wang, Jack T. H. (2017) Course-based undergraduate research experiences in molecular biosciences-patterns, trends, and faculty support. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 364 15: doi:10.1093/femsle/fnx157
- Burke, C., Cain, H., Coleman, N., Grando, D., Hughes, M., Johanesen, P., Lategan, J., Lloyd, M., Markham, J., Mohideen, M., Waller, K. and Wang, J. (2016) Threshold learning outcomes for a microbiology major. Microbiology Australia, 38 2: 93-97. doi:10.1071/MA16031
- Wang, Jack T. H. (2016) Using undergraduate research to develop transferable skills for the modern workforce. Microbiology Australia, 38 2: 84-87. doi:10.1071/MA16026