Skerman Lecture

professor victor skerman
Professor V. B. D. Skerman

The Skerman Lecture recognises the contribution of Professor Victor Bruce Darlington Skerman in the development of Microbiology at The University of Queensland.

Professor Skerman was Head of the Department of Microbiology from 1962 to 1981, having been appointed Foundation Chair of Microbiology in 1961.

He had broad interests in microbial physiology, ecology and diversity, but is best known and recognised for his international reform of bacterial systematics and nomenclature.

The lecture was not offered in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Read more about Professor Skerman on our history page.


SCMB Research Administration
+61 7 3365 3900


8 October 2024 2:00pm3:00pm
A/Prof Lutz Krause, of Microba, will be presenting the 2024 Skerman Lecture

It's time to take fun(gi) seriously

31 October 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Registration closes 23 October 2023 for the 2023 Skerman lecture by Prof Dee Carter of the University of Sydney.

Phylogenomics and the early evolution of life

5 July 2022 4:30pm5:30pm
Associate Prof Tom Williams from The University of Bristol with present new work on phylogenomic methods and their application to the deepest branches of the tree of life, the nature of the last bacterial common ancestor, and the timescale for the diversification of bacterial and our own eukaryotic cells.

Novel technologies for discovery, design and development of new and effective vaccines

26 November 2019 4:30pm
Presenter: Professor Mariagrazia Pizza, Senior Scientific Director for Bacterial Vaccines at GSK Vaccines

Adventures in the Virosphere

1 August 2018 1:00pm3:30pm
Presenter: Professor Edward Holmes, University of Sydney

The Role of Glycan Interactions in Cell and Host Tropism of Bacterial Pathogens

2 November 2017 3:00pm5:00pm
Presenter: Professor Michael Jennings, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University

Redefining Bacterial Virulence in terms of Evolution, Metabolism, Immune

19 July 2016 11:30am12:30pm
Presenter: Professor Harry Mobley, Frederick G. Novy Distinguished University Professor and Chair, University of Michigan

Using Ancient DNA to time travel through megafaunal extinctions, climate change and human microbiomes

20 July 2015 5:15pm
Presenter: Professor Alan Cooper, from the University of Adelaide

Death receptors and bacterial diarrhoea

20 July 2014 5:15pm
Presenter: Professor Elizabeth Hartland, Head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne

Into the Natural Microbial World: Metagenomics and the Tree of Life

20 July 2013 5:15pm
Presenter: Professor Norman Pace from the University of Colorado

Where to next for international disease control and eradication?

20 July 2012 5:30pm
Presenter: Dr Martyn Jeggo, CSIRO Animal Health Laboratories, Geelong

Bacteria and Phagocytes: Mortal Enemies

20 July 2011 5:15pm
Presenter: Prof Victor Nizet, Professor of Paediatrics and Pharmacy at the University of California, San Diego and Chief of the Division of Paediatric Pharmacology & Drug Discovery at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Inevitability and Evolution

20 July 2010 5:15pm
Presenter: Prof Paul Rainey, Profesor of Evolutionary Genetics, NZ Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University

Understanding the mechanisms of sexual transmission of HIV: keys to prevention

20 July 2009 5:15pm
Presenter: Prof Tony Cunningham, Director, Westmead Millenium Institute and Centre for Virus Research, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, and University of Sydney

The Environment for Science in 2008

20 July 2008 5:30pm
Presenter: Dame Dr Bridget Ogilvie, AC, DBE, FRS, FMedSci, Visiting Professor, University College London

International disease surveillence: a paradigm shift. The effect of the new International Health Regulations in a post 9/11

20 July 2007 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof John S. Mackenzie, Professor of Tropical Infectious Diseases, Australian Biosecurity CRC, Curtin University of Technology

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and airway sialic acid: Role in colonization and infection

20 July 2005 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof Michael A. Apicella, University of Iowa

Defences against colonisation of marine plants

20 July 2001 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof Staffan Kjelleberg, Scientia Professor, UNSW