Title: A brief introduction to Chemometrics and Applications

Presenter:  A/Prof. Daniel Cozzolino, Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland

Abstract: The world population is expected to increase to more than 9 billion people by 2050.  This will result in different disruptions at several stages of the food value chain to improve their effectiveness (e.g. waste reduction, adapting to climate change, making systems more resilient or sustainable).  Developments in digital agriculture (Dag), digital food (DF), food agility, have been incorporated to characterise changes in agri-food systems introducing news ways in how these systems can be analysed, measured, and monitored.  Information has been and is of primordial importance for the food industry, retailers, and consumers.  Information and data availability derived from the application of smart sensors and digital tools can be incorporated into decision making systems.  This information not only can be associated with food composition but also linked with the environment, process, to better understand and improve the way that we produce foods.  It has been long recognised that the food industry can be considered as a data driven enterprise.  These characteristics are very important as the food industry is more globalise and needs to be sustainable.  The present and future of the food industry is challenged by the increasing complexity and interactions in the food supply chains, with climate change, environment and health, determining continuous changes in the consumer’s patters and choices in healthy and nutritious foods (e.g. food security, food fraud, etc).  This presentation will discuss how the combination of chemometrics with rapid analytical methods to reveal the complexity of agro-food systems.

About School research seminars

Seminars cover all aspects of chemistry and molecular biosciences and are delivered by visiting national and international academics. PhD completion seminars are also incorporated into the program.

Seminars are usually held in person and occasionally via zoom. All are welcome to attend.  



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