We will be joined by three speakers: PhD candidate Korawich Uthayopas, who will discuss PRIMITI, a machine learning model for accurate prediction of miRNA-target mRNA interaction; PhD candidate Oliver Hughes, on his work on evaluating regional bias between replicates that are inherent to ChIP-seq and is widespread across ENCODE, and a flash talk by PhD candidate Sophie Leech on her research on altered gut microbiome composition in women with pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus during pregnancy.

PRIMITI: a machine learning model for accurate prediction of miRNA-target mRNA interaction
Korawich Uthayopas, PhD candidate

Regional bias between replicates: inherent to ChIP-seq and widespread across ENCODE
Oliver Hughes, PhD candidate

Flash talk: 'Women with pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus have altered gut microbiome composition in pregnancy’
Sophie Leech, PhD candidate



About Research theme seminar series

Our research theme seminars feature expert speakers that cover a wide-range of topics.

Our speakers include visiting national and international academics and students completing their PhDs.  They cover diverse topics across our research themes:

Who should attend

Students and staff with an interest in the research theme are welcome to attend:

  • undergraduate students
  • postgraduate students
  • HDR students (including Honours)
  • postdoctoral staff 
  • research staff.

Join us online and in-person

You can attend our seminars in-person and/or online in a Zoom meeting. 


Building 42, Room 216