Molecular genetics and genomics
Our molecular genetics and genomics research encompasses the application and analysis of targeted and high-throughput approaches to better understand all domains of life.
Vertebrates, plants, insects, microorganisms and microbial communities are subject to innovative methodologies to elucidate evolution, ecology and function at the genetic and regulatory levels.
Theme leader: Associate Professor Miloš Tanurdžić
Research disciplines
Biochemistry and molecular biology
Inorganic chemistry
Organic chemistry
Physical and computational chemistry
Research themes
Biomolecular chemistry
Infection and immunity
Medicinal chemistry
Molecular genetics and genomics
Nanotechnology and materials chemistry
Science education
Structural biology and biochemistry
Theme members
Professor David Ascher Biological data modelling
Professor Paul Burn Organic opto-electronics
Professor Elizabeth Gillam Biocatalysis and Molecular Toxicology
Professor Bostjan Kobe Structural biology of infection and immunity
Associate Professor Marloes Nitert Dekker Metabolism and Microbiome in Pregnancy
Dr Mathew Jones Cancer Cell Biology and Genetics
Dr Justin Ridge Research skills - how can students learn key research skills and how can we assess this
Professor Mark Schembri Bacterial Pathogenesis
Professor Katryn Stacey Cellular response to foreign nucleic acids
Associate Professor Jack Wang Integration and evaluation of undergraduate research experiences, and assessment/feedback practices in large undergraduate microbiology courses
Professor Nick West Tuberculosis microbiology
Dr Simon Worrall Mechanisms of drug-induced liver damage