Title: Immunity, neurodegeneration and phase transition: molecular biology at the single molecule resolution

Speaker: A/Prof Yann Gambin (UNSW, EMBL Australia)

Bio: A.Prof Yann Gambin is an EMBL Australia fellow and Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales. After a PhD in biophysics at Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (2006), Yann Gambin obtained a Wellcome Trust fellowship for his postdoctoral training at the Scripps Institute (San Diego, CA, USA). Yann Gambin joined the IMB, University of Queensland in 2011 as a Queen Elizabeth II postdoctoral fellow. He obtained an ARC Future Fellowship in 2012 to study protein folding and aggregation. He was recruited as an EMBL Australia group leader in 2015 at the Single Molecule Science Node at UNSW.

About School research seminars

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