Chemistry Seminar - Mechano, Electro-Organic and Flow Chemistry: A New Paradigm in Organic and Materials Syntheses
Title: Mechano, Electro-Organic and Flow Chemistry: A New Paradigm in Organic and Materials Syntheses
Speaker: Prof Anil Kumar, IIT Bombay
Abstract: Continuous processes intensification via flow, mechano or electro-organic chemistry is the need of the hour to provide greener, economically viable and scalable tools for chemical manufacturing. Continuous processes provide a potential alternative to batch synthesis because of its inherent advantages such as very efficient heat exchange, high batch to batch reproducibility, fast mixing, high throughput, safety, and ease of scale-up. Due to these advantages, these processes have been referred to as the most promising “Green Technology”. In fact, continuous flow processes are projected to be the “CHEMICAL FACTORIES” of tomorrow. Continuous flow process also enables the synthesis of designer materials with wide-ranging applications. We have been exploring these tools for various industrial processes in wide ranging chemical industries. In this presentation, I will review some of the recent advances in these directions and some efforts from our laboratory.
Biography: Anil Kumar is currently a Professor at IIT Bombay, in the Department of Chemistry. He also serves as President of the Society for Polymer Science, India. His group's research interests are in the area of Process Intensification, Optoelectronic Devices and Materials, Nanomaterials, Flavors & Fragrance, polymers, and Continuous Crystallization. His group has also developed many technologies including transfer of technology in the domain of handheld explosive sensors and continuous flow processes. For his contribution in this field, he has been awarded with the 2017 NASI-RIL Platinum Jubilee National Award for application-oriented innovations.Apart from research, his other hobbies are teaching, sports, technical financial analysis, magic and music. He has developed an outreach program based on "Science & Magic" to promote teaching and practice of science among scientists, students, and research scholars. He has conducted more than 100 such workshops around the country.
About School research seminars
Seminars cover all aspects of chemistry and molecular biosciences and are delivered by visiting national and international academics. PhD completion seminars are also incorporated into the program.
Seminars are usually held in person and occasionally via zoom. All are welcome to attend.
- Chemistry: Dr Rowan Young, Dr David Cantillo
- Molecular Biosciences: Dr Mathew Jones