
Mosquito-borne alphaviruses circulate worldwide, frequently causing outbreaks of arthritic disease in humans. There is increasing concern that climate change may result in an increasing incidence of all forms of alphavirus infection highlighting the critical need for promising intervention strategies and therapeutics. Despite years of research into the pathogenic mechanisms of disease a targeted therapeutic intervention is yet to be developed. Whereas there have been several attempts to develop an antiviral, this strategy has fundamental flaws as by the time infection is diagnosed, the window to administer a traditional antiviral is lost. It is clear new strategies are required to develop a targeted therapeutic to prevent the mechanism of virus-induced inflammation known to produce many of the symptoms of alphaviral disease. During this seminar we discuss our recent developments in the quest for potential treatment strategies. 


Associate Professor Herrero is scientifically and medically trained NHMRC Research Fellow with over 15 years experience studying vector borne diseases on a medical, scientific and public health perspective. Her group's research focuses on mosquito-transmitted viruses (arboviruses) including dengue virus, Ross River virus, o’nyong nyong virus and chikungunya virus.  Assoc/Prof Herrero's team at Griffith University (in collaboration with State Health departments and other research institutes) utilises a One Health approach to make advancements in understanding and treating vector borne diseases, which combines field work, modelling and lab-based research.

About School research seminars

Seminars cover all aspects of chemistry and molecular biosciences and are delivered by visiting national and international academics. PhD completion seminars are also incorporated into the program.

Seminars are usually held in person and occasionally via zoom. All are welcome to attend.  



76-228 and Zoom https://uqz.zoom.us/j/81648092243?pwd=T05KTll5Rk1YOUJSV2xCVUI3ZU9UZz09 (obtain password from seminar convener Jody Peters j.peters2@uq.edu.au)