Student-led Development of Virtual Laboratories for Multimodal (Hybrid) Teaching
This presentation will report on the student-led feedback and modifications made to improve our virtual laboratory experiments developed for multimodal (hybrid) teaching. These virtual laboratories were used by remote students to replace their on-campus laboratory sessions, while also made available for students who attended on campus. The incorporation of the virtual laboratory in this new delivery format sought to increase student engagement and comprehension of the laboratory. As previous studies have noted that some students adopt an absent-minded approach to the laboratories, causing them to miss out on the vital learning outcomes1-3.
Using effective measures such as attitude, feelings of usefulness, and overall satisfaction with the content, we could discern the utility students perceived in the tool and how to improve future virtual laboratories. Student feedback indicated that an increased focus on the theoretical underpinnings of the laboratory and increased flexibility of movement within the tool would improve their perceived utility of the virtual laboratory.4 Through student-led feedback, we have developed a series of gamified chemistry experiments now hosted on “The Virtual Scientist”.
About School research seminars
Seminars cover all aspects of chemistry and molecular biosciences and are delivered by visiting national and international academics. PhD completion seminars are also incorporated into the program.
Seminars are usually held in person and occasionally via zoom. All are welcome to attend.
- Chemistry: Dr Rowan Young, Dr David Cantillo
- Molecular Biosciences: Dr Mathew Jones
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