HDR scholarships, awards and financial support
We offer competitively awarded travel and research collaboration awards to support short-term international placements, internships and conference travel.
Awards are by application and granted either at our annual prize-giving ceremony or the annual SCMB Research Students Symposium.
We also provide financial support to selected HDR candidates.
Email hdr.scmb@enquire.uq.edu.au for more information, including application details.
Conference travel awards
Rodger Dallas Morgan Postgraduate Travel Award in Virology
Established in 2008 by the bequest of $50,000 from the late Mr Rodger Morgan who took an active interest in the research of his friend and neighbour, Professor Paul Young, an academic staff member of the School. This award provides funding to travel to a conference on virology or an allied discipline and may be awarded to one or more students each year, such that the total awarded to the winner or winners does not exceed $4000.
Eligibility: PhD candidates enrolled in the School in their second or third year of a PhD program in virology or allied disciplines
Value: Up to $4,000 towards the cost of attending an international meeting on virology or an allied discipline
Application: Complete this form.
Susan Hamilton Travel Award for Science Education
Originally established in 2014 and re-established in 2024 from a donation from Emeritus Professor Susan Hamilton, this award provides funding to enable one or more higher degree by research students enrolled in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences in the second or third year of their degree program to travel to a science education or molecular biology conference.
Eligibilty: HDR candidates enrolled in the School in the second or third year of their program. Travel must occur within one year of the award being made and a brief report (300 words) submitted to the HDR Committee within one month of completion of travel.
Value: Up to $3,500 each year. One or more awards may be made up to a total of $3,500.
Application: Complete this form.
Research collaboration travel awards
Gibbins HDR Travel Award for Science Research
Established in 2015 from a bequest, this award provides funding to enable HDR biosciences candidates to travel interstate or overseas for a laboratory placement or research internship. It is offered every third year, with next offerings in 2026 and 2029.
Eligibility: HDR candidates enrolled in their second or third year with our School
Value: $2,000
Application: Next round opens early 2026.
Levick HDR Travel Award for Science Research
Established in 2015 from a bequest, this award provides funding to enable HDR medical or biological research candidates to travel interstate or overseas for a laboratory placement or research internship. The award is offered every two years in three, with next offerings in 2024 and 2025, then 2027 and 2028.
Eligibility: HDR candidates enrolled in their second or third year with our School
Value: $2,000
Application: Complete this form.
R.A and M. G. Plowman Scholarship in Inorganic Chemistry
Established in 2005 by a bequest to the University under the will of the late Mrs M. G. Plowman in memory of her late husband, Ron Plowman, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and a former Head of the Department of Chemistry, for the purpose of establishing postgraduate or postdoctoral fellowships, research fellowships and visiting research appointments or any form of postgraduate research activity in inorganic chemistry. The current focus of the award is to support HDR candidates and early-mid career research staff in inorganic chemistry.
Eligibility: (a) HDR candidates enrolled in their secnd or third year in inorganic chemistry or allied disciplines and/or (b) to postdoctoral research staff, typically early to mid career staff (as defined by UQ policy) in inorganic chemistry or allied disciplines, with a preference for staff without alternative funding sources.
Seleciton panel: Head of School (or delegate), Director of Research, Director of HDR. At least one member to be a chemist (added to panel if necessary).
Value: up to $10,000, depending on the travel itinerary/program of activity and the applicant's access to other relevant funding.
Application: Complete this form.
SCMB Francine Kroesen Travel Fellowship
Established in memory of Francine Kroesen, a research assistant and PhD student in polymer chemistry from 1988 to 1991, who died in an accident on 14 July 1991. This fellowship commemorates the work of a promising young chemist who promoted international goodwill and the equal standing of female scientists. It aims to promote visits by chemistry postgraduate students to overseas universities for collaborative research, to assist in their professional development and to promote international goodwill.
Eligibility: HDR chemistry candidates
Value: $2,000
Application: Complete this form.
Stipend support and grants
Stipend support
From time-to-time we offer stipend (living costs) support to the value of the standard UQ Career Development Scholarship to selected domestic and international HDR candidates.
To be eligible, you must have an unconditional offer of a PhD or MPhil place, and be nominated by your supervisor who has agreed to cover 50 per cent of the living allowance.
We offer grants, primarily for conference travel, of up to:
- $6,000 per PhD student
- $3,000 per MPhil student
Awards are subject to eligibility and good performance.
R.A and M. G. Plowman Scholarship in Inorganic Chemistry
Established in 2005 by a bequest to the University under the will of the late Mrs M. G. Plowman in memory of her late husband, Ron Plowman, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and a former Head of the Department of Chemistry, for the purpose of establishing postgraduate or postdoctoral fellowships, research fellowships and visiting research appointments or any form of postgraduate research activity in inorganic chemistry. The current focus of the award is to support HDR candidates and early-mid career research staff in inorganic chemistry.
Eligibility: HDR candidates enrolled in inorganic chemistry or allied disciplines for the purpose of a contribution towards a living stipend, particularly where the stipend value is less than the UQ Graduate School Scholarship.
Seleciton panel: Head of School (or delegate), Director of Research, Director of HDR. At least one member to be a chemist (added to panel if necessary).
Value: up to $5,000
Applications: See the 'Research collaboration and travel awards' section above.