We offer a busy calendar of events, which are variously available to the public, our graduates, future and current students, and staff.

Infection & Immunity Seminar

1 September 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
This week's Infection and Immunity seminar will be presented by 3 SCMB students and ECRs. Speakers include: Dr Emily Strong (West Lab), Dr Lian Zheng Jie (Schembri Lab), and Yanshan Zhu (Short Lab).

Latest news from structural Biology at Diamond Light Source from the instruments to the support laboratories

31 August 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Dr David Aragao, of Diamond Light Source Limited - Diamond House, will present "Latest news from structural Biology at Diamond Light Source from the instruments to the support laboratories"

Context matters – order and disorder in cellular signalling

28 August 2023 9:00am10:00am
Prof Birthe Kragelund of the University of Copenhagen will be presenting "Context matters – order and disorder in cellular signalling".

Understanding Host-Microbiome interactions for improved immune competence in beef cattle

23 August 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Pâmela Alexandre will be presenting "Understanding Host-Microbiome interactions for improved immune competence in beef cattle"

Computational Optical Science at the Atomic Scale: First-Principles Approach

21 August 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Prof. Kazuhiro Yabana of the Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Japan) will be presenting "Computational Optical Science at the Atomic Scale: First-Principles Approach "

Harnessing Potent Reductants via Multiphoton Tandem Photoredox Catalysis

14 August 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
A/Prof Anastasios Polyzos from the University of Melbourne will be presenting "Harnessing Potent Reductants via Multiphoton Tandem Photoredox Catalysis"

Mitotic cell death: a mechanism to prevent and treat cancer

9 August 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Paul Clarke will present "Mitotic cell death: a mechanism to prevent and treat cancer".

Metals in Biology Group Symposium

1 August 2023 1:00pm5:00pm
The 2023 UQ Metals in Biology Group Symposium will be held 1 August 2023, featuring presentations by several international, SCMB, IMB, and CAI researchers.

Unlocking non-natural chemistries in ancestral cytochromes P450 - and - Structural Characterisation of Endosomal Trafficking Protein Sorting Nexin 27

27 July 2023 10:00am11:00am
Dr. Raine Thomson will present "Unlocking non-natural chemistries in ancestral cytochromes P450" and Qian Guo will present "Structural Characterisation of Endosomal Trafficking Protein Sorting Nexin 27"

Inspired by Nature: Separation of Lanthanides and Actinides Using Bacteria and their Biomolecules

26 July 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Prof. Lena Daumann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Germany will be presenting "Inspired by Nature: Separation of Lanthanides and Actinides Using Bacteria and their Biomolecules".

The Cuban fight against COVID-19

26 July 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr Marianniz Díaz, Centre for Molecular Immunology (CIM), Havana will be presenting "The Cuban fight against COVID-19".

Fluorescent sensors to elucidate the chemistry of cells

25 July 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Professor Elizabeth New, The Univeristy of Sydney, will be presenting "Fluorescent sensors to elucidate the chemistry of cells".

A scope of synthetic approaches for the development of Mitochondria targeting Ru(II)/Ir(III)/Re(I) based mono metallic and bimetallic complexes for cancer therapy

19 July 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Dr Priyankar Paira, Department of Chemistry, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Tamilnadu, India, will be presenting "A scope of synthetic approaches for the development of Mitochondria targeting Ru(II)/Ir(III)/Re(I) based mono metallic and bimetallic complexes for cancer therapy"

Sex, death, and disease in cereal rust fungi

7 July 2023 11:30am12:30pm
A/Prof Benjamin Schwessinger from ANU will be presenting 'Sex, death, and disease in cereal rust fungi'.

Redefining Virus Ecology and Evolution Using Metagenomics

7 June 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Professor Eddie Holmes from the University of Sydney will be presenting "Redefining Virus Ecology and Evolution Using Metagenomics"

Substituted Shape-Shifters and 8π/6π Synthesis

5 June 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Dr Thomas Fallon of The University of Newcastle will be presenting "Substituted Shape-Shifters and 8π/6π Synthesis". This seminar will present the general toolbox for the easy synthesis of bullvalenes, an exploration of their dynamic nature, and will also discuss the endidiandric acids - the most famous of the bicyclo[4.2.0]octadiene derived natural products.

A three-decade odyssey in HIV assembly, from transfer RNA to calcium sparks in virological synapse – a potential general principle in protein trafficking.

2 June 2023 11:30am12:30pm
Prof Johnson Mak, Griffith University will be presenting "A three-decade odyssey in HIV assembly, from transfer RNA to calcium sparks in virological synapse – a potential general principle in protein trafficking".

Revolutionizing sample preparation for low-resource molecular testing

26 May 2023 11:30am12:30pm
A/Prof Joanne Macdonald will be presenting "Revolutionizing sample preparation for low-resource molecular testing".

Designing hard-soft interfaces in composite materials for enhanced functionality and performance

15 May 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Prof Luke Henderson will present 'Designing hard-soft interfaces in composite materials for enhanced functionality and performance', and provide an overview of their efforts in the manipulation of carbon fibre surface chemistry to improve their functionality and performance.

Electrochemical technologies: A paradigm shift in energy and manufacturing

11 May 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Dr Jessica Allen of The University of Newcastle will be presenting "Electrochemical technologies: A paradigm shift in energy and manufacturing". In this talk, the potential application of a number of electrochemical systems powered by renewable energy inputs is discussed including molten salt electrolysis for carbon capture and transformation, electrochemical ammonia, green methanol and green steel. The sustainable manufacture of materials for electrochemical systems will also be discussed since these are essential for meaningful movement towards truly zero, or even negative, emission systems.

Kinetics of multi-step reactions: insights into the mechanisms of P450 enzymes

2 May 2023 12:30pm1:30pm
Prof F. Peter Guengerich of Vanderbilt University (USA) will be presenting "Kinetics of multi-step reactions: insights into the mechanisms of P450 enzymes"

Mathematical modelling human diseases and intervention strategies: HCV, SARS-CoV-2, and more.

21 April 2023 11:30am12:30pm
In this session, Dr Padmanabhan will describe our mathematical frameworks that have quantified the molecular determinants of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and SARS-CoV-2 virus entry into host cells, identified systems-level mechanisms underlying interferon-based HCV treatment failure, elucidated new drug synergy mechanisms, and examined the workings of COVID-19 vaccines.

Insights Into The Development of NMR interpretation Ability

18 April 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
A/Prof. Ginger Shultz, from the University of Michigan, will present Insights Into The Development of NMR interpretation Ability.

Moving Beyond the Metal: Assisted Small Molecule Activation

17 April 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Prof. Nathaniel Szymczak's, from the University of Michigan, presentation will emphasize how Lewis acids can be used to augment metal-based reactivity, as well as to show how incorporation of these units within a ligand scaffold can provide access to unique activation/functionalization processes.

A brief introduction to Chemometrics and Applications

27 March 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
A/Prof Daniel Cozzolino from the Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences (QAAFI) will present "A brief introduction to Chemometrics and Applications". This presentation will discuss how the combination of chemometrics with rapid analytical methods to reveal the complexity of agro-food systems.
