We offer a busy calendar of events, which are variously available to the public, our graduates, future and current students, and staff.

Where to next for international disease control and eradication?

20 July 2012 5:30pm
Presenter: Dr Martyn Jeggo, CSIRO Animal Health Laboratories, Geelong

Ethical dilemmas and missed opportunities

23 October 2011 3:00pm
Presenter: Professor Neva Haites OBE, of the University of Aberdeen

Tangling with Long Molecules

25 July 2011 4:00pm
Presenter: Prof Dame Julia Higgins DBE FRS FREng, Imperial College, London

Tangling with Long Molecules

25 July 2011 4:00pm
Presenter: Prof Dame Julia Higgins DBE FRS FREng, Imperial College, London

Preventing and Curing Infectious Diseases: Carbohydrate Vaccines and Continuous Flow Synthesis

20 July 2011 5:45pm
Presenter: Professor Peter H. Seeberger, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces

Bacteria and Phagocytes: Mortal Enemies

20 July 2011 5:15pm
Presenter: Prof Victor Nizet, Professor of Paediatrics and Pharmacy at the University of California, San Diego and Chief of the Division of Paediatric Pharmacology & Drug Discovery at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Design and engineering of oxidoreductases

3 December 2010 4:00pm
Presenter: Prof Les Dutton, The Johnson Research Foundation, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania

Life on the Edge- the Generic Nature of Protein Misfolding Disorders

30 August 2010 12:30pm
Presenter: Prof Christopher Dobson, Master of St John's College, The University of Cambridge

Fragments-Based Approaches for Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology

20 July 2010 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Chris Abell, Professor of Biological Chemistry, the University of Cambridge

Inevitability and Evolution

20 July 2010 5:15pm
Presenter: Prof Paul Rainey, Profesor of Evolutionary Genetics, NZ Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University

Supramolecular Metal-Ligand Clusters as Nanoenzymes

27 July 2009 4:00pm
Presenter: Prof Ken Raymond, University of California at Berkeley

Discovering Enzyme Mechanism and Function

20 July 2009 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Dale Poulter, John A. Widstoe Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of Utah

Identification of a novel regulator of skeletal muscle mass

20 July 2009 5:45pm
Presenter: Prof Christina Mitchell, Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor, Monash University

Understanding the mechanisms of sexual transmission of HIV: keys to prevention

20 July 2009 5:15pm
Presenter: Prof Tony Cunningham, Director, Westmead Millenium Institute and Centre for Virus Research, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, and University of Sydney

A new ERA for he ARC and the National Innovation System

28 July 2008 4:00pm
Presenter: Prof Margaret Sheil, CEO of the Australian Research Council

The Mechanism of Action of Coenzyme B12:A Computational Approach

20 July 2008 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Leo Radom, ARC Professorial Fellow, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney

Molecular Mechanism of the Nuclear Protein Import Cycle

20 July 2008 5:45pm
Presenter: Dr Murray Stewart, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge UK

The Environment for Science in 2008

20 July 2008 5:30pm
Presenter: Dame Dr Bridget Ogilvie, AC, DBE, FRS, FMedSci, Visiting Professor, University College London

Biological Open Source (BiOS) as a new paradigm for science enabled innovation

29 July 2007 4:00pm
Presenter: Dr Richard Jefferson, CAMBIA BiOS Initiative, Canberra

Molecular Materials: From Clean Energy Storage to Shrinking Crystals

20 July 2007 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Cameron Kepert, ARC Federation Fellow, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney

The world of small RNAs and mobile signals

20 July 2007 5:45pm
Presenter: Prof Peter Waterhouse, ARC Federation Fellow, The University of Sydney and CSIRO Plant Industry

International disease surveillence: a paradigm shift. The effect of the new International Health Regulations in a post 9/11

20 July 2007 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof John S. Mackenzie, Professor of Tropical Infectious Diseases, Australian Biosecurity CRC, Curtin University of Technology

Energy, the carbon cycle and sustainable futures

27 July 2006 4:00pm
Presenter: Emeritus Prof Ian Lowe, President, Australian Conservation Foundation

Studies at the Interface of Organic and Polymer Chemistry: Facile Procedures for the Generation and Commercial Application of Polymeric Nanostructures

20 July 2006 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Craig J Hawker, Director of the Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara
