We offer a busy calendar of events, which are variously available to the public, our graduates, future and current students, and staff.

Adventures in the Virosphere

1 August 2018 1:00pm3:30pm
Presenter: Professor Edward Holmes, University of Sydney

The Chemical Sciences and a Sustainable Future

16 July 2018 4:00pm6:00pm
Presenter: Professor Stephen Matlin, Institute of Global Health Innovation/Imperial College, London

Cryo-electron Microscopy of Helical Protein and Nucleoprotein Polymers: Insights into Evolutionary Divergence.

15 November 2017 5:30pm8:30pm
Presenter: Professor Edward Egelman, University of Virginia

The Role of Glycan Interactions in Cell and Host Tropism of Bacterial Pathogens

2 November 2017 3:00pm5:00pm
Presenter: Professor Michael Jennings, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University

Nature microbiology writing workshop

20 October 2017 4:30pm
Presenter: Dr Michael Chao Associate Editor, Nature Microbiology publication

Sensing Our World: From glucose sensors to counting single molecules and cells

18 September 2017 1:00pm2:00pm
Presenter: Professor Justin Gooding, University of New South Wales

Walking in the Woods with Quantum Chemistry - New Concepts in the World of Natural Products Biosynthesis

5 December 2016 4:00pm
Presenter: Professor Dean Tantillo, The University of California (Davis), USA

Redefining Bacterial Virulence in terms of Evolution, Metabolism, Immune

19 July 2016 11:30am12:30pm
Presenter: Professor Harry Mobley, Frederick G. Novy Distinguished University Professor and Chair, University of Michigan

Simple/Low-cost Bioanalysis for the Developing World and Point of Care

30 June 2016 4:00pm5:00pm
Presenter: Prof George Whitesides, Harvard University

Using Ancient DNA to time travel through megafaunal extinctions, climate change and human microbiomes

20 July 2015 5:15pm
Presenter: Professor Alan Cooper, from the University of Adelaide

MAIT cells: Friend or Foe in recognising microbial vitamin meabolites presented in the MHC-I-related molecule MR1

28 May 2015 12:15pm
Presenter: Professor James McCluskey, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), The University of Melbourne

The Magic of Molecular Machines

18 December 2014 4:00pm5:00pm
Presenter: Prof David Leigh, University of Manchester

Brazilian Biodiversity, a Sophisticated Lab of Biologically Active Compounds: Tracing New Models for Medicinal Chemistry

20 July 2014 5:45pm
Presenter: Professor Vanderlan Bolzani, Universidade Estaduai Paulista (UNESP), Brazil

Death receptors and bacterial diarrhoea

20 July 2014 5:15pm
Presenter: Professor Elizabeth Hartland, Head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne

Characterization of Orphan Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes & Their Metabolic Roles: The General Problem of Gene Annotation

3 December 2013 5:45pm
Presenter: Professor F Peter Guengerich, Tadashi Inagami Professor of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Better Mitochondia through Imine Addition Chemistry

29 July 2013 4:00pm
Presenter: Prof Peter Wipf (pictured, with descendents of TGH Jones), University of Pittsburgh

A Materials Genome Approach to Complex Biological-Like Systems

20 July 2013 5:45pm
Presenter: Professor Virgil Percec, P. Roy Vagelos Professor of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania

Into the Natural Microbial World: Metagenomics and the Tree of Life

20 July 2013 5:15pm
Presenter: Professor Norman Pace from the University of Colorado

Organic Electronic Materials: a Licence to Print Money

20 July 2012 5:45pm
Presenter: Professor Andrew B Holmes AM FRS FAA, CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Engineering; University of Melbourne School of Chemistry, Bio21 Institute ; Imperial College Department of Chemistry
