Nanotechnology and materials chemistry
Organic, inorganic, and physical and computational chemistry underpins our nanotechnology and materials chemistry research.
This research theme draws together expertise in synthesis (including self-assembly), characterisation (including spectroscopy, colloid and surface science) and computational modelling, and applications (optoelectronics, clean energy generation and storage, separation technologies, biomaterials, nanomedicine and molecular recognition) of organic, inorganic and composite materials, from small molecules to macromolecular structures including polymers, dendrimers, frameworks, gels and nano-porous structures.
Theme leader: Dr Paul Shaw
Research disciplines
Biochemistry and molecular biology
Inorganic chemistry
Organic chemistry
Physical and computational chemistry
Research themes
Biomolecular chemistry
Infection and immunity
Medicinal chemistry
Molecular genetics and genomics
Nanotechnology and materials chemistry
Science education
Structural biology and biochemistry
Theme members
Professor Vito Ferro Organic Chemistry - Glycoscience, drug discovery and biotechnology
Dr Anitha Sudheesh Kumar Nano drug delivery systems for therapeutic proteins and anticancer drugs