We offer a busy calendar of events, which are variously available to the public, our graduates, future and current students, and staff.

Biological Open Source (BiOS) as a new paradigm for science enabled innovation

29 July 2007 4:00pm
Presenter: Dr Richard Jefferson, CAMBIA BiOS Initiative, Canberra

Molecular Materials: From Clean Energy Storage to Shrinking Crystals

20 July 2007 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Cameron Kepert, ARC Federation Fellow, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney

The world of small RNAs and mobile signals

20 July 2007 5:45pm
Presenter: Prof Peter Waterhouse, ARC Federation Fellow, The University of Sydney and CSIRO Plant Industry

International disease surveillence: a paradigm shift. The effect of the new International Health Regulations in a post 9/11

20 July 2007 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof John S. Mackenzie, Professor of Tropical Infectious Diseases, Australian Biosecurity CRC, Curtin University of Technology

Energy, the carbon cycle and sustainable futures

27 July 2006 4:00pm
Presenter: Emeritus Prof Ian Lowe, President, Australian Conservation Foundation

Studies at the Interface of Organic and Polymer Chemistry: Facile Procedures for the Generation and Commercial Application of Polymeric Nanostructures

20 July 2006 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Craig J Hawker, Director of the Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and airway sialic acid: Role in colonization and infection

20 July 2005 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof Michael A. Apicella, University of Iowa

Fish Antifreeze Proteins and Glycoproteins

20 July 2004 6:00pm
Presenter: Assoc Prof Margaret Harding, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney

Molecular Architecture - Natural Product Interactions with Protein Domains: The New Wave of Natural Product Research

20 July 2002 6:00pm
Presenter: Prof Ronald J Quinn, Director of Natural Product Discovery, Griffith University

Defences against colonisation of marine plants

20 July 2001 5:30pm
Presenter: Prof Staffan Kjelleberg, Scientia Professor, UNSW
